Mummy & Daughter Matching Jarmie Bottoms :)
I wanted matching PJs with my daughter (because i'm a big geek like that!) but have never seen any in the shops, so i decided to make some myself :)
The fleece fabric was from my local craft shop and was only £2.99/m! 1m was enough for the adults size, and just over 0.5m was enough for my daughters' (she's 4).
I'm not taking any credit for this pattern, i came accross it at http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Sew-Your-Own-Pajama-Pants/#intro
Very VERY easy to make, and the second pair took less than an hour from cutting to trying on.
Xfluffy_unitatoX favorited Matching Jarmie Bottoms 19 Nov 20:40
Nyctophobia favorited Matching Jarmie Bottoms 22 Aug 20:56
InterpretThat favorited Matching Jarmie Bottoms 05 Jul 18:13
Djamilah W. favorited Matching Jarmie Bottoms 18 Apr 13:41
Claire A. entered her project Matching Jarmie Bottoms to B.A.I.T. Footwear Contest 12 Feb 16:08
Claire A. entered her project Matching Jarmie Bottoms to Secret Santa 11 Dec 18:09
BlowMeAway commented on Matching Jarmie Bottoms 18 Nov 13:12
Yvonne R. favorited Matching Jarmie Bottoms 15 Nov 08:10
You Will Need
Claire J posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!