With a few simple items, make a sweet brooch to dress up any outfit.
Go thru your button stash and find a few similar in size. Add a special one to top it off. That piece of filigree that you bought and now you don't know what to use it for? Well now you know! A bit of glue, a little arranging, add a pin back, and you're done. And how fashionable you are!
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crochetmommie added Make A Button Brooch to Misc. Tutorials 25 Mar 19:39
Rebecca C. favorited Make A Button Brooch 07 Sep 14:54
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Make A Button Brooch 19 Jul 07:11
Dawn C. added Make A Button Brooch to Jewelry 11 Aug 16:29
RareJewel favorited Make A Button Brooch 07 Jun 07:10
Anabel M. favorited Make A Button Brooch 14 Mar 01:32
rose gelman favorited Make A Button Brooch 01 Mar 00:14
DoraTina.Summers favorited Make A Button Brooch 13 Oct 04:46
mumiavadasz favorited Make A Button Brooch 19 May 21:41
quentariel favorited Make A Button Brooch 09 May 15:24