No offense, but i would honestly laugh at the person wearin those. Bc it looks like ur underwears showing. lol
But I have pants just like those, all worn out, i gotta do somethin with them too. Cuz i refuse to throw them out. >.<
OMG these are kewl hehehe i hav some like this but a blue sparkle patch and a pink one hehe did it when i was umm 16 hehehe and i still waer them hehehe am alot older now but these are far from slutty at all slutty would be to wear them without the patches deeeeeeeeer these are great babes keep up the great ideas xoxo
I love how you drew the spots! Very nice. I'm too self-conscious to do something like that - where everyone would be looking at my bum - but great you've got the balls to do it. ;D Very rockin.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!! Slutty?! I think not personally... each to their own style... girl i wish I had an arse like yours so could pull those pants off!!
Yeah, dress properly, thats why you are wearing toothbrush bracelets... ô.Ô
I could have written a comment telling you how kindergarden they are, but guess what, I didn't, because I seriously think that if I don't like something, I just have to shut up. I hope you will lear that with the years.
Hehe, I used "edding", a waterproof permanent marker and just hold the fabric with my left hand while drawing... The fabric wasn't stretchy so I had nooo problems painting it!
That looks really cool! I find it so hard to use fabric markers! How do you manage to use it without the fabric slipping everywhere? And the pattern's borders are never sharp enough for me
But I have pants just like those, all worn out, i gotta do somethin with them too. Cuz i refuse to throw them out. >.<
Mir fällt es grade leichter auf deutsch zu schreiben als auf englisch- ich hoffe das nimmt mir hier keiner übel
Das hast du echt stark gemacht. Ich werde das auch bei einer meiner Hosen probieren. Danke für die Inspiration
Mensch die Kommentare von machen da unten sprechen echt für seeeehr hohes Niveau...
I could have written a comment telling you how kindergarden they are, but guess what, I didn't, because I seriously think that if I don't like something, I just have to shut up. I hope you will lear that with the years.
How old are you, twelve?
I did that to some jeans once, the whole was on the knee instead of the bum.
I like those, though