Redecorate Restaurant Coasters!
So after dinner at Chili's I took some of the coasters that they pile up on the tables. I didn't like the way they looked so I decided to redecorate!
- Broken Bownes favorited Magazine Collage Coasters 25 Jul 00:10
You Will Need
15 projects
@Z@!ra- mod podge glues things, such as paper, together but you need a protective layer to cover so something like varnish or sealer will help protect it. I used the coasters without using a sealer and the water from my glass reactivated the stickiness of the mod podge and stuck to my glass. I ruined a couple of these coasters before I figured out I needed a sealer.
4 projects
Hey what's the difference between varnish and mod podge?
Atlanta, Georgia, US
16 projects
i have bunches of these coasters;; im so doin this