Hatter was a mad crafter too!
--{ "Take off your hat," the King said to the Hatter.
"It isnt mine," said the Hatter.
"Stolen!" the King exclaimed, turning to the jury.
"I keep them to sell," the Hatter added as an explanation. "I've none of my own. I'm a hatter". }--
I made these lovely Mad Hatter Earrings for the 'Alice In Wonderland Swap (2011)'. Showing all the Mad Hatters tricks of the trade ...buttons, scissors (actually hand-molded from fimo and painted), and other shiny swirly things. I thought it was perfect for any other sewer/crafter on here!
I'm really glad my partner liked them. I liked them so much myself, i almost didnt let them go. lol But i made them to give away, 'I've none of my own'. :D
- Mishiah D. favorited 'Mad Hatter' Theme Earrings 28 Jun 02:11
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