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The ULTIMATE Gamer snack!
Don't let the name fool you, I only call them "cookies" because that's what they originally reminded me of :) They are actually bite sized biscuits!

The original recipe, which comes out a LOT like those Cheddar Bay Biscuits from Red Lobster, came from a friend; I later modified it to make it more like the "cookies" I had as a child.

Since then, people beg me for them ALL the time, thus the large packages of ingredients in the pics; I MAKE them ALL the time!

Another friend and I recently used this same recipe for a pigs-in-a-blanket wrap, and OMG they are AMAZING! She wants a bunch for Hors d'œuvres at her wedding next month, so we've been experimenting with a lot of different flavors and spices; it's really all up to what you like, they are so versatile!

If you make actual biscuits, there is enough in one batch for two full cookie sheets; if you make the tiny bites, you will have enough for up to 4 full cookie sheets depending on how tiny you make them. If you make the piggy wraps, depending on what brand of weenies you buy, you may have enough for 2 trays of piggy wraps AND a few biscuits or bites.

Posted by Lyssa C. from Savannah, Georgia, United States • Published See Lyssa C.'s 20 projects »
  • How to bake a cracker. Lyssa's Famous Cheese Cookies - Step 1
    Step 1

    Gather your tools!

    You will need a BIG mixing bowl! It gets messy and gooey and sticky; you HAVE to hand mix this!

    A cookie sheet or any other type of METAL baking pan. My cookie sheet is MIA....I think the bride-to-be still has it.

    A spatula for after the baking is done.

    A medium microwave-safe GLASS mixing bowl. You want a glass bowl because you want the melted butter to stay HOT, but you don't want it to curdle. Glass heats up better than plastic, but with plastic it may curdle and glass is safer in the microwave to begin with.

    A basting brush, or a honey dipper. I don't have a dipper, but we have surmised that it will work MUCH better.

  • How to bake a cracker. Lyssa's Famous Cheese Cookies - Step 2
    Step 2

    Gather your ingredients!

    Don't be intimidated by everything I have here, I make them once a week so I keep lots of supplies around. Also, not all of this goes into each batch. I experiment, and so should you!

    For ONE batch, you will need:

    2 cups Biscuit Mix
    2 cups Shredded Cheese
    1 package Cream Cheese
    1/2 Stick Butter
    Grease or Non-Stick Spray for the pan
    and any other seasoning or spices you want!

    Milk and Flour are optional if the mixture is too dry.

    What I also add to most every batch:
    Garlic - I prefer dried flakes
    Onion - powder or flakes
    Ranch Powder
    Bacon - crumbles or dried bits

  • Step 3

    Before you do anything else, preheat the oven to 350, and while you wait for it, take your cream cheese packet out of the outer box, and lay it on a glass or ceramic plate on top of the stove to let the heat from the over begin to soften it. TRUST ME, you want the cheese soft but not hot!!

    Next, grease your pan.

  • Step 4

    MIX all DRY ingredients except for the flour, starting with the biscuit mix. I recommend putting it all into the bowl at once, then tossing it to mix. I use about 1 tablespoon each on the extra spices and powdered flavors.

  • Step 5

    The milk is optional; if its too dry and it just won't mix, add 1/4 cup of milk. Having the cream cheese completely softened really helps! But prepare to get sticky! Take off rings and bracelets!!

    From here, add flour as needed to help remove excess moisture. If you don't add milk you won't really need flour. I find it best to lift the dough out of the bowl, and sprinkle a generous coating of flour into the bottom of the bowl and roll the dough into it. I also rub the flour into my hands to remove excess goo!

  • Step 6

    Now take your SOFTENED cream cheese and begin to knead it into the dough. You CANNOT use a spoon or mixer, you MUST use your hands!!!! You CAN use the cream cheese spread in the tubs if you want. It's easier, but MUCH messier, but if you get the pre-flavored kind, it adds more variety. Continue adding flour as needed. You want it to end up moist, but not sticky.

  • Step 7

    Once you have the dough well mixed and just moist enough, you can begin to roll it into balls. If you want, you can also set it into the fridge for about half an hour. The cold will dry it a little bit and make it a bit easier to work with.

    Keep your balls about 1/2 to 1 inch apart on the tray. Bigger balls, more space between.

    For piggies, pinch a piece of dough about the size of a nickle, roll into a ball, squish and flatten into a circle shape about the size of the bottom of a 1 pint water bottle, then fold and shape around an uncooked weenie. It's an art form that takes practice. Too thick and it won't cook all the way through; too thin and the grease makes it mushy.

  • Step 8

    Melt the butter in the glass bowl on high for 30-45 seconds, then baste all your biscuits and/or piggies.

    If you want them moist and fluffy, they cook for 10 mins at 350; until golden on top. If you want them kind of crunchy with a chunky taste and texture, cook them until brown on top.

    Cook at 350 for 12-15 mins, keep an eye on them. Press a corner of your spatula into the dough, and if its not slightly flaky, put them back in for 1-2 mins at a time and just keep checking them.

  • Step 9

    Let cool for 1 mins; using your spatula, gently separate them and loosen them from the pan.

    Place them onto a paper towel lined plate or an elevated rack for 5-10 mins.

    Enjoy, share, then bow for the applause!

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Syko · Bakersfield, California, US
Mmmm... I know what I'm doing tomorrow! *singsong voice*

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