Cute Cats for a Cause
Another matryoshka set with a kitten theme. They were sketched on directly, woodburned and sanded, then painted with watercolor. The black one is based on my kitten, Hemlock, and the orange one after my last cat, David. I'm especially fond of the fish! These are available in my Etsy shop and 20% will go to my local cat adoption center in Westminster, CA.
kelsey.brockerville favorited Kitten Caboodle 04 Mar 11:06
karmy_2683 favorited Kitten Caboodle 25 Aug 00:56
Loelle favorited Kitten Caboodle 24 May 06:25
Djamilah W. favorited Kitten Caboodle 13 Mar 01:43
WerewolfCas favorited Kitten Caboodle 27 Dec 01:58
Taylor.Boles53708 favorited Kitten Caboodle 20 Dec 01:55
Len favorited Kitten Caboodle 15 Jul 18:18
You Will Need
Cyanide Sweetheart posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Mexico City, Federal District, MX
10 projects
cute cute cute meow!!!!!!!

Cyanide Sweetheart
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
23 projects
I meant $20 of the profit, which is 40% will go to charity. Second Chance Adoptions in Westminster, CA. Thanks everyone for the faves and comments so far!

Vancouver, British Columbia, CA
7 projects

Jet H.
Haarlem, North Holland, NL
108 projects
aaaw soooo adorable and well designed!!! love it;-D