fan made plushy ^^
I loveeee CardCaptor Sakura.. and I love Keroberos even more =) I couldn't resist attempting to make him!
Well here is the outcome anyways.
His wings aren't quite finished yet, I ran out of white felt ><
Completely hand-sewn, I don't have a working sewing machine.
I actually followed a deviantart artist, Renegar-Kitsune's <a href="http://renegar-kitsune.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2jbizg">pattern for her Raichu plushy</a> for this and changed it a little bit to match Kero ^^
Not sure how long it took me to make overall because I kept leaving him for days then going back and working on him for another couple hours at a time..
Wendy C. favorited Kero Keroberos Card Captor Sakura Plushy 03 Jan 04:06
Conner W. added Kero Keroberos Card Captor Sakura Plushy to anime/manga 29 Jun 21:38
Conner W. favorited Kero Keroberos Card Captor Sakura Plushy 29 Jun 21:38
itsdami favorited Kero Keroberos Card Captor Sakura Plushy 08 Feb 10:00
You Will Need
Mimiko posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Yeah, I love Cardcaptor Sakura too. Her outfits looked awesome (at that time). And her brother is also cool. Haha.