my first crochet- I just had to make something cute!
^0^ look what I made! I have wanted to crochet somehing for ages, so I finally managed to figure out how to do it! YEY And I made the pattern up myself! ^0^ I basiclly made a massive rectangle, in single crochet, (UK) single crochet all the way round to neaten up the edges and then did two shell stitches for the ears, which are actually WAY easier than they look! Then I sewed it up, added a button and loop and added a cute face!!!
Send me a message if you have any other ideas for basic, cute stuff I could make please? I'm going to try and make earrings next... Wish me luck! XXX
Tina T. commented on Kawaii Cute Crochet Ipod Cozy! ^0^ 09 Jun 14:12
Asgards_Princess posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!