A delicious Indian delicacy that tastes almost like a cashew fudge.
This has easily become one of my favorite candy recipes in my arsenal, though I make no bones about the fact that there is absolutely nothing healthy about this recipe. It’s pure indulgence, but it’s rich and delicious with the perfect amount of sweetness that accentuates the natural flavor of the cashew instead of weighing it down. I’m sure that you could use less butter and low-fat milk if you wanted to but I don’t think that it’s worth it to cut corners where flavor is concerned. It’s just better to consume moderation. Or you could do what I do and pawn it off on all of your friends and co-workers!
Lee Rose added Kaju Katli to recipes 08 Jul 18:49
TheYearlingBlog published her project Kaju Katli 04 Jun 16:29
Step 3
Add your condensed milk and milk/cashew paste to a pan over medium low heat and cook for about four minutes, stirring constantly. This is a great time to melt your butter and once you’ve cooked your paste long enough add in your butter a few tablespoons at a time until and stir to combine in between every addition. Continue to cook for about 8 minutes or so until it becomes extremely thick and rolls easily up into a ball.