Recycle juice pouches to make a coin purse
cptnwolf added Juice Pouch Change Purse to Upcycle! 21 Oct 08:43
Maxine M. added Juice Pouch Change Purse to To-make list 23 Oct 15:45
Step 1
Cut 2 juice pouches along short edge (top or bottom) and drain juice. Wash out pouch with soap and water. Let air dry.
Step 2
Cut two 4 inch strips of duct tape. Cut those in half longwise. You now have four strips of tape.
Step 3
Cut one 6 inch strip of duct tape. Cut it in half longwise as well.
Step 4
Flatten one juice pouch. Edge top and bottom with 4inch strips. Fold over to other side.
Step 5
Edge the bottom of the other juice pouch.
Step 6
Fold first pouch about two-thirds down. Fold second pouch about one-third down. Put silver side of second one into silver side of first one, unfinished edge first. Use last strip of 4 inch tape for this.
Step 7
Using 6 inch strips, edge the long sides. This will secure the back "pocket" in place.
Step 8
Fold flap over. Attach sticky-back Velcro.