• Posted by K2
Cut 2 juice pouches along short edge (top or bottom) and drain juice. Wash out pouch with soap and water. Let air dry.
Cut two 4 inch strips of duct tape. Cut those in half longwise. You now have four strips of tape.
Cut one 6 inch strip of duct tape. Cut it in half longwise as well.
Flatten one juice pouch. Edge top and bottom with 4inch strips. Fold over to other side.
Edge the bottom of the other juice pouch.
Fold first pouch about two-thirds down. Fold second pouch about one-third down. Put silver side of second one into silver side of first one, unfinished edge first. Use last strip of 4 inch tape for this.
Using 6 inch strips, edge the long sides. This will secure the back "pocket" in place.
Fold flap over. Attach sticky-back Velcro.