A Labour of love and squares!
I found a cross stitch design on the internet of a basic jack face, I adapted it to make the lines more smooth by adding triangles. It's got approximately 600 squares with a red fuzzy backing and is big enough for a double bed. Took 2 months to sew together so was a long but awesome project and present :D
liza.minelli.564 added Jack Skeleton Quilt to sewing 03 Feb 03:01
liza.minelli.564 favorited Jack Skeleton Quilt 02 Feb 23:20
Amanda C. added Jack Skeleton Quilt to Home 13 Apr 03:43
Spencer M. commented on Jack Skeleton Quilt 22 Sep 09:42
Spencer M. favorited Jack Skeleton Quilt 22 Sep 09:39
Summer O. favorited Jack Skeleton Quilt 13 Jul 06:29
Cindy S. favorited Jack Skeleton Quilt 13 Aug 02:08
tyler t. favorited Jack Skeleton Quilt 26 Jul 13:37
Steph. favorited Jack Skeleton Quilt 02 Jul 07:36
Steph. commented on Jack Skeleton Quilt 02 Jul 07:36
Cheryl H. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Spencer M.

Reading, England, GB
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Shawinigan, Quebec, CA
64 projects