Learn how to easily jazz up a plain white Ikea alarm clock.
My daughter was the one who asked me to decorate the white alarm clock I bought from Ikea. She suggested that I use her Sharpies and so I did. It came out real funky and we loved it so I designed prints on my other daughter's alarm clock, too.
Rebecca favorited Ikea Hack Sharpied Alarm Clock Diy 15 May 10:21
Libby W. favorited Ikea Hack Sharpied Alarm Clock Diy 27 Apr 16:09
dippydiscoball added Ikea Hack Sharpied Alarm Clock Diy to To-make list 02 Jan 02:22
Queti A. published her project Ikea Hack Sharpied Alarm Clock Diy 26 Dec 09:00
You Will Need
Colored Sharpies ultra fine point ( or any permanent marker )
Plain white alarm clock ( Vackis alarm clock from Ikea)