Cut Out + Keep

Ikea Hack Sharpied Alarm Clock Diy

Learn how to easily jazz up a plain white Ikea alarm clock. • Posted by Queti A.

My daughter was the one who asked me to decorate the white alarm clock I bought from Ikea. She suggested that I use her Sharpies and so I did. It came out real funky and we loved it so I designed prints on my other daughter's alarm clock, too.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium 115521 2f2016 12 07 153625 ikea hack sharpied alarm clock diy tribal print slider1


My daughter was the one who asked me to decorate the white alarm clock I bought from Ikea. She suggested that I use her Sharpies and so I did. It came out real funky and we loved it so I designed prints on my other daughter's alarm clock, too.


  1. Small 115521 2f2016 12 07 154105 alarm clock ikea hack sharpied alarm clock diy

    You need a plain white alarm clock and colored sharpies ultra fine point.

  2. Small 115521 2f2016 12 07 154153 tribal print ikea hack sharpied alarm clock diy

    Get some prints and pattern you can get some inspiration from. In my case i just grabbed a top from my daughter's closet.

  3. Small 115521 2f2016 12 07 154259 pencil outline ikea hack sharpied alarm clock diy

    Draw the outline of your design with pencil.

  4. Small 115521 2f2016 12 07 154416 sharpie art ikea hack sharpied alarm%2b clock diy

    Use your colored sharpies and color over your outlines. Have fun combining colors.

  5. Small 115521 2f2016 12 07 154531 front pattern ikea hack sharpied alarm clock diy

    Make sure to design the front of the alarm clock,too.

  6. Small 115521 2f2016 12 07 154627 printed ikea hack sharpied alarm clock diy

    There you have it! Super easy, right.