Design and make a customised ironing board cover
I've had mixed experience with pre-made ironing board covers - they are big enough, I don't like the print, the middle layers are not thick enough and you can feel the metal frame underneath. Making your own is a great way to avoid these issues and this tutorial will show you how to make one.
Please note: You should only use 100% cotton materials otherwise you won't be able to use the highest setting on your iron.
Key West Witch favorited How To Make An Ironing Board Cover 29 Jun 14:47
Step 4
Fold over the bias tape and stitch along the line you have just sewn, this will create a case for your string or elastic. Ensure that you leave a gap to insert the string/elastic.
Norfolk, Virginia, US
23 projects
I should have logged into CO+K earlier this evening. I literally just came from Walmart where I bought a new ironing board cover that barely fits my board. It is like buying fitted sheets that never actually fit. Good tutorial. Maybe I'll give it a try. ![Happy](https://images.coplusk.net/emoticons/happy.gif)