oh so britsh! union jack
oh so i wipped up a very british looking waist coat, nice simple and easy dont forget to follow me on youtube for more diy fashhion videos!
- Miss_Fit favorited How To Make A Waistcoat 09 Jul 03:08
- Carol favorited How To Make A Waistcoat 03 Jun 16:20
- Gayathri S. favorited How To Make A Waistcoat 22 Mar 11:47
- Leona F. favorited How To Make A Waistcoat 05 Aug 12:43
- Brandiwine favorited How To Make A Waistcoat 29 Jul 19:54
- Loux Natik added How To Make A Waistcoat to To Do 17 Jun 06:42
- Devious_Insightful_Pixie favorited How To Make A Waistcoat 02 Jun 06:54
- Chantelle fashion published her project How To Make A Waistcoat 22 May 12:21
You Will Need
Step 1
you will need 2 pattern pieces the front is a long rectangle and you will need to cut 4 of these 2 in lining and 2 in main fabric. my lining fabric is the same as my main fabric but if you want contrasting lappels you could do the the lining in a diffrent pattern or color. the back pattern is the same length as the front and is a recatangle with a curve for the neckline. you cut 2 of thes on the fold of the fabric 1 i main and 1 in lining material.
Step 3
pin the back and front together shoulder seams and side seams together and stich all around leave the arm holes open. then do the same for lining and place the lining and the main fabric right sides to right sides. (doing this gives a clecn finish becase all the raw edges will be incased in the lining. )sew all around leaving a the arm holes.
Step 5
i have a video tutorial here