homemade vanilla extract . how to-sday
My friend Sarah is epic. Seriously. When she makes s'mores, she makes them from scratch - from the graham crackers to the marshmallows. Her baked goods are legendary, and her kitchen is like Disneyland compared to my own meager gadget offerings. Read on to the end of this post to meet Martha and Stewart Siamese and Sarah herself!
Lucky for us, Sarah and I are going to be working together on some foods features from now on! This first one is amazing - super easy with a huge impact and high gifting potential!
Sarah B. added Homemade Vanilla Extract to Food 20 Feb 17:27
Step 3
Now you're going to slice down the length. Make sure you start the cut about half an inch from the end so that it stays together. You just want to cut it open to release the seeds and flavors. You can do this with kitchen scissors or a good, sharp paring knife.
I have zero experience with vodka, so all I know is that it doesn't smell.. but what about the taste?
Besides that, I'd LOVE to make this..
Anonymous14 December, 2011
This looks like a great idea....I have a few questions though
Does regular vanilla that we buy in the store have vodka in it?
Why vodka?
Once the two month infusing is done do you use it like regular store bought vanilla and do you taste the vodka in it?
Sorry about the questions but I would love to do this but have friends that do 12 step programs and of course they cannot have the vodka. thanks for your time and great ideas.
Lindsay {Shrimp}17 December, 2011
I'm so glad you like the project, everyone!
Anonymous - Regular vanilla in the store also has a high concentration of alcohol. It's what extracts and preserves the flavor from the beans. I think vodka is the alcohol of choice for diy because it's got a clean, neutral flavor compared to other liquors. When you've infused it, you can use it just like regular store-bought vanilla. You won't taste vodka, you'll taste the strong, bitter vanilla flavor, just as you do with store-bought.