Tastes better than the junk from the box!
My boyfriend looooves poptarts, but I hate buying them because they're so expensive for the fact that they're not healthy... at all.
So I tried my hand at making my own!
I hope you enjoy (and understand!) my first how-to!
Quackers, Vino & Cheese favorited Home Made Poptarts 06 Jun 20:12
Step 1
The Ingredients!
- Pie Crust: I used a box of Jiffy powdered mix, which you just need to add milk to. You could use the frozen kind from the dairy section of your grocery store, or even your own recipe!
- Fillings: This is the fun part. You can use practically everything (eeeexxxceeeeppttt pumpkin pie mix. I tried it... doesn't work too well). Here, I used mixed berry and strawberry jelly. I considered making s'mores poptarts by using marshmallow fluff and chocolate chips, or brown sugar with... brown sugar. The options are nearly endless!
- Powdered sugar & milk: Mixed, these make a nice frosty glaze. It's optional, though!
- Sprinkles: Again, optional! Probably won't stick very well without frosting.
Step 2
Prepare pie crust as directed and cut out into poptart-shaped rectangles. You will need two per poptart, one for each side.
I suggest rolling out the dough as thin as you can without ripping it. I made mine too thick and they were kind big when they baked!
Also, pre-heat your oven to 450 degrees!
Step 3
Lay crust on an ungreased baking sheet and fill with no more than one tablespoon of filling.
Don't go overboard and fill them with a bunch of stuff! It will leak out and it's not fun to clean up!
Carefully place a second crust on top of the filling and crimp the edges with a fork. Don't press on the middle, or the filling with squish out!
Finally, poke a few holes in the top to let steam out during the baking process.
Step 6
The final step!
I personally would not put these in the toaster to warm them back up, lest the glaze melts and ends up on the bottom of your toaster and ruins it. Just use the microwave for a few seconds.
Of course, if you didn't put any frosting on in the first place, go ahead and use the all-mighty toaster.
Unfortunately, my recipe here doesn't make very many pastries... but still, they taste so much better than store-bought, and are much better for you!!! After all, YOU choose what to put inside, and I hope you're not choosing things like high fructose corn syrup and sodium benzoate!
What can I use instead (eggs, flour?)