DIY Homemade Herbal Bath Salts
I'm a huge bubble bath fan. It's one of my favorite parts of the day. Getting to listen to your favorite music with candles, incense, and the perfect oils. I have been making herbal bath salts for a few years now, so I thought I would share my recipe with you guys so you can try it at home! It's so easy and takes no time at all!
Whenever I'm at Whole Foods I'm always tempted to buy their bath salts but they are so EXPENSIVE! Making them is so much cheaper it's insane.
- Holly S. favorited Herbal Bath Salts 10 Jul 23:30
- David B. favorited Herbal Bath Salts 26 Sep 05:24
- Emma H. favorited Herbal Bath Salts 05 Jul 16:57
- Laura_927 favorited Herbal Bath Salts 30 Jun 08:51
- Aaron H. favorited Herbal Bath Salts 28 Apr 12:46
- babyconsuelo favorited Herbal Bath Salts 02 Apr 14:34
- Laouen favorited Herbal Bath Salts 08 Dec 17:37
- Cuerva Roja added Herbal Bath Salts to ☥ Ravenheart ☥ 23 Nov 22:02
- Jackie G. added Herbal Bath Salts to Beauty 15 Sep 16:52
- Cheshire K. favorited Herbal Bath Salts 19 Jun 10:42
You Will Need
Step 1
In a big bowl pour a 4lb box of epsom salts in and add 20 drops oil, 4 drops of food coloring (or 2-3 capsules) and sprinkle herbs into the mixture. Stir this until everything is evently distributed. Pour into jars and go relax in the bath!
Step 2
You can make up your own recipe for these but I will include three of mine!
1. Grapefruit oil, yellow food coloring, dried lavender & chamomile
2. Meditation oil, lavender oil, blue food coloring, dried lavender
3. Tranquility oil, green food coloring, dried roses