a small helicopter from recycled materials
i have made this helicopter for my rememberance closet for my friend for on the roof.
John was able to fly in a sailplane, so he loved all the stanges objects that could fly, helicopters too.:-D
He had a colleage with a helicopter and they would like to fly with each other to their work. Thats silly because Holland is a very small country, it took more time to go to an airport then take the car.
but it was their fun part to do it this way.LOL
The company had a helicopter landing field on his roof, at that time, that was at that time very special.
thats way i had to make a helicopter, and i will let you know how you can make your one from scraps. I hope you like it;-D.
- Chudames favorited Helicopter From Scraps 07 Feb 20:58
- Fugulicious commented on Helicopter From Scraps 09 Jan 10:52
- Fugulicious added Helicopter From Scraps to To-make list 09 Jan 10:51