Why not get Potty for halloween? Its super easy!
Rissy favorited Harry Potter Pumpkins! 01 Sep 03:21
San added Harry Potter Pumpkins! to Harry Potter 01 May 17:25
Rosie R. favorited Harry Potter Pumpkins! 22 Apr 13:19
Sab?ne J. favorited Harry Potter Pumpkins! 18 Oct 17:28
Anouck added Harry Potter Pumpkins! to Overig 25 Aug 18:27
Wendy W. favorited Harry Potter Pumpkins! 15 Jul 00:29
isobel.l favorited Harry Potter Pumpkins! 28 May 17:58
Ichigo M. added Harry Potter Pumpkins! to Harry Potter 04 Mar 02:49
Alexis P. added Harry Potter Pumpkins! to Stuff To Try 08 Dec 03:08
thatdorkychick favorited Harry Potter Pumpkins! 18 Oct 20:06
Step 1
Take a pumpkin and draw with a pen some eyes.(Don't cut them out yet) Then draw his hair and the scar.
Step 2
Cut out the Scar and eyes
Step 3
Take some paint and paint the hair black
Step 4
Draw some glasses
Step 5
Paint the bottom were the scarf would be red and yellow
Step 6
Then take some yellow fabric and cut the ends so it looks like a scarf.Cut out red strips and past them on the yellow fabric.
Step 7
Take the scarf and put it under the pumpkin and You have your Harry Potter Pumpkin!

London, GB
7 projects
love it!<3