Gran's Incredible Quiche
My Gran has always made the greatest quiche lorraine in the whole wide world and she finally let us in on her secrets!
Regina K. favorited Gran's Incredible Quiche! 12 Jul 20:47
You Will Need
Step 1
Gran says you can use any ham you like. Whether it’s cheap, end cuts from the ‘bargain basement’ in the supermarket, wafer thin from a pack or tinned. Use whatever you have in your fridge/pantry. You could even fry & drain some thick cut bacon instead. You can also use any cheese you like. Maybe a strong cheddar or a blend of mozzarella and Red Leicester. According to Gran however, the all time greatest cheese to use for this is Grandma Singletons. Quite fitting for this recipe!
Preheat your oven to 220°C/Fan 200°C. Grease and flour the base & sides of your dish.
In a large bowl, measure out the flour and the Trex and add the salt.
Using a knife, roughly cut until the Trex is smaller in size. If you have a pastry whisk – in a light, sweeping motion, whisk until ‘breadcrumbs’ are formed. Alternatively, use your forefingers and thumbs to lightly rub together until the same result is achieved.
Using a splash of cold water at a time, add into the centre of the bowl and mix with a flat knife. Continue to add a little at a time until it just comes together. Press into a ball ready to roll out.
Lightly dust your work surface with flour and roll out the pastry to about 3mm thick or until larger than the base and sides of your dish.
Carefully lift the pastry over the dish and lightly press into the edges.
Cut the excess pastry off on the outside edge of the ‘lip’. This will help prevent the pastry shrinking as much when you bake it later.
At this point, if you’re not as quick as my Gran, pop the dish into the fridge whilst you prepare the filling ingredients. (Keeping the pastry cold will also help reduce shrinking.)
Chop up your ham into chunks and grate the cheese.
Here comes Gran’s twist on the classic. Take approx 1/2 tsp of mustard powder and spread it evenly all over the base. Trust me, I’m a granddaughter. Do it.
Now top it with all that ham…
And the cheese…
In a jug, beat together the 3 eggs, some salt & pepper and make up to 250ml with milk. (It should be approx 50ml but don’t worry if it’s a little more or less.)
Pour the egg mixture evenly over the quiche and pop into the preheated oven for approximately 30-40 minutes until a deep golden colour on top.
So the secrets out. You now know the worlds greatest ever quiche recipe – what are you waiting for? Off your bums and into your kitchens! It’s the best thing you will ever make, I promise.