Goddess Stick Incense Burner
I just love the Goddess shape, and I love to burn Nag Champa incense. So, I got the idea to create both! :) This is an incense burner for stick incense.
Key West Witch added Goddess Incense Burner to Witchcraft 21 Mar 00:13
Galaxy W. added Goddess Incense Burner to Favorite Crafts 06 Dec 14:32
Galaxy W. favorited Goddess Incense Burner 06 Dec 14:32
Rachel F. favorited Goddess Incense Burner 28 Sep 22:40
Scarlet M. favorited Goddess Incense Burner 08 Mar 16:23
breanna w. favorited Goddess Incense Burner 23 Jun 06:22
Shae B. favorited Goddess Incense Burner 30 Aug 14:54
cassie n. favorited Goddess Incense Burner 25 Jul 12:03
Step 1
Sculpt the shape you want. Its easiest to do the arms originally in the shape of tubes, and the head as a ball. For the spiral shape in the center, I used a flat surface to create a long even tube, which I spiraled around. When you are happy with the results, use the incense stick to poke a hole in the center of the spiral to hold an incense stick.
Step 2
When you are finished with sculpting the item, put on a cookie sheet in a pre-heated oven at 275 degrees and bake for approx. 15 minutes. When baked, remove from oven and allow to cool completely.
Step 3
I painted the entire surface black, making sure to get any crevices left behind from sculpting. I then painted the center (leaving the head and arms, and the bottom half of the legs black) using a dark blue paint. I then lightened the ends (the area not painted blue) using the "fan" brush with white pearl paint. Allow to dry thoroughly.
Step 4
Seal completed project with a light coat of clear spray paint. Allow to dry thoroughly.