A thought occurs, though. Instead of putting your glow stick in the drink, which, judging from the comments, seems to put people off quite a lot, why not fill a jar with some kind of soda water, stick it in that, and use it as decoration? Nifty glowing things without drinking chemicals. Everyone wins.
Wow. That was fun reading everyones comments. I have a few things to say.
Well fist of all. STOP being mean. And Dolly. That was uncalled for. At least TRY to be nice.
Here is an idea I have. I am surprised that no one else has thought of this... But this is what I would do. Take a glow bracelet and wrap it around the cup. Ta-da. A drink that glows with out PUTTINg it IN the drink. The end.
NOW the case is CLOSED.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
2 projects
Dude, I've made this drink TWICE in the last FOUR YEARS, with around three drops per drink. At that rate, a person's body can process out the toxins that you insist are in these. And on the note of it being your "duty" to inform people, it's actually not. You may have heard of this saying, "If everyone would just take care of themselves, then everyone would be taken care of." Maybe you should try taking care of yourself instead of everyone else.
As far as questioning your intelligence, it is actually quite a reasonable thing to do. Check your grammar and typos, lady. "If you still refuse to believe me, at least I didn't try." Does that make any sense? And you have a habit of placing commas in unnecessary locations. Just a few tips. You seem so fond of giving them, I thought you might like to receive some for a change.
I find it very ironic that you are questioning my intelligence when you are demonstrating a way to consume poison. Yes I know you are not forcing people to consume this drink, however I do not understand why you insist on continuing to make and drink this product. My sources CLEARLY state that just one of the many substances found in glow sticks is in fact NOT non-toxic. You WILL get sick, people CAN die from it, and it has been used TO KILL people.
Like I said before, it is ultimately your decision to continue drinking it as I cannot stop you, however I just want you to know the extent of harm you are placing on your body by consuming even a small amount of this poison. I once again stress that you really should read the first link I posted because maybe then the information that I'm relying to you might actually sink in.
I only am saying this because I feel that it is my duty to at least inform people when they are making very bad decision, that can ultimately harm their life. Take it in whichever way you want it to, and if you still refuse to believe me then at least I didn't try.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
2 projects
My-Linh T, did you by any chance happen to process the fact that I said it is a PERSONAL CHOICE as to whether someone wants to make this or drink it? I don't think you did. I AM NOT FORCING ANYONE TO MAKE AND/OR DRINK THIS PRODUCT. If you DON'T WANT TO DRINK it, I am NOT GOING TO MAKE YOU, nor am I going to TRY TO TALK YOU INTO IT.
1) I never said NO ONE ate crayons and whatnot, but if you feel like munching on them then I won't stop you. But to defend your stance using the fact that kids will eat just about anything doesn't help your case.
2) Again, glow sticks contain phenol, which is definitely not safe. It was also used by the Nazis in concentration camps to KILL people. Look, we're not trying to be mean, but we're trying to get you to realize (and other people who are considering ingesting glow stick material) that it is not safe. However, the decision is ultimately yours. Just like how people continue to smoke, or even start smoking, despite proof that it is bad for you. With that, I leave you with 2 legit sites (no Wikipedia here) that I suggest you read.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
2 projects
My-Linh T, my mom is a kindergarten teacher, and, f.y.i., they DO eat non-toxic crayons, glue, markers, and about anything else they can fit in their mouths. Just because it doesn't taste great doesn't mean it's bad for you. And Nicky love's cupcakes, you're a moron, and so is your mom, you can't get cancer from glow-sticks, idiot. Hexerei, thanks for the Gin& tonic tip. Natalie, Wikipedia is not a reliable source, as it lets ANYONE edit it, and there has been research showing that the majority of Wikipedia contributers are NOT even high school graduates. And Sugaree, I agree, small children or even not-so-small children could choke on those small glow-sticks. FINALLY, I want to make a point to everyone that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE THIS HOW-TO!! It is a PERSONAL PREFERENCE whether you think it is okay to ingest glow stick liquid. AND SEVERAL people have favorited this how-to, so meh.
i had the same thought as i was reading this - doesn't really seem safe to ingest any glowstick liquid. and i also thought of putting the glowstick into the cup, but then there's the risk of choking on it (especially if it's one of those tiny ones, or if you give it to a child). so i have another suggestion: what if you use a clear glass cup, and then just tape a small glowstick to the bottom to make it glow from beneath? though, don't know how you'd get the cup to stand straight....ah well, guess that was a kind of incomplete thought, huh?
Well, just throwing this in, my mum is a nurse and glowstick swallowing is a big no no. Yeh I am sure you can ingest it and live, but do you want glow-stik cancer. I suggest you find those bitty glowsticks, make a almost clear drink, et viola!! You have a nontoxic, glow in the dark, fancy drink.
Soooo... just to add my two cents. Somebody else already said it, just because it says nontoxic doesn't make it edible. On another note let me just school you kiddos on the wonders of glowing drinks. Any drink you make with tonic water as a main ingredient, a Gin and Tonic for example, will glow highly under a blacklight. There are no drinks you can make safely that will glow on their own in the dark. Trust me on this one, I have done much research on the subject for my halloween party. Thats all.
i don't mean to be rude or anything (none of us i guess), i think the discussion here in good to clear out questions.
i congrat the originality and the great idea, but even is non-toxic it doesn't mean you can eat it, plasticine is not toxic but you shouldn't eat it.
maybe there is glow in the dark "drinkable" ingredients somewhere, and i would looove to have a glowing drink with you guys
I'm sorry but I would not drink this. Even if the glow sticks are 'non toxic' it doesnt mean its good to eat them. I would steer well clear of this. My-Linh T.'s idea is a good one, just put the glow stick in whole. "You'd be safer drinking crushed glow worms" says my boyfriend.
You keep stressing the point that these glow sticks are non-toxic. Well crayons, washable markers, and pencils are non-toxic. Yaaaay! Guess it's time to eat school supplies too. My point is that just because it's non-toxic, doesn't mean you should eat it. Non-toxic means you won't die from eating it, but it'll still make you sick.
"on the reaction between two non-toxic chemicals" <-
That's the actual problem. Because maaaybe the original contents are non-toxic, but what matters is that there are fallout products during the reaction, and -these- are the evil ones. You wouldn't find the carbolic acid in one of the liquids, its a product of the reaction.
However, I just wouldn't drink that...
thats gross! that stuff cant be good for you. i've accidentally gotten that liquid in my mouth from chewing on glow sticks and i can say that it tastes NASTY. interesting idea though.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
2 projects
And thanks DIS.AR.RAY, I swallowed glow-stick too, and you can't see it in the pictures but there is only a faint glow about the drinks as I only used about 2 drops per glass. You can't taste it since the mixer flavor is so strong.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
2 projects
“Even if the outer casing of the glow light stick or glow light product is somehow punctured or broken open, the chemical contents are non-toxic and non-flammable… Glow sticks rely on the reaction between two non-toxic chemicals contained within in order to produce their glowing light.” – China Bessen Glow Technology Ltd.
However, I do agree with Fondasaurus Rex and My-Linh T., if you don't like the idea of consuming these NON-TOXIC chemicals.
Wow, this is not safe at all! Don't do it!! I agree with Fondasaurusrex, putting the entire unopened glow stick in the drink is better. Plus, you can use it as a stirring stick!
OH, and also, Me and my friends have cracked open around 20 glowsticks and put them ALL over our body [one was an accident, but then it looked awesome, so we did it with ALL OF THE OTHERS and it was fun!] and it didn't irritate our skin at ALL UNTIL we put our hands on our face. Then it started to irritate and ... not really hurt, but IT BUGGED A LOT! It was raining outside, so we went out there and yea... the rain didn't really help.
AND our clothes smelled HORRIBLE, but it comes out with just one wash .....
SO, I think as long as you don't do BODY SHOTS with these, I think it will be fine
Well I actually HAVE ingested quite A BIT of the non-toxic glow sticks, and other than a DISGUSTING TASTE in my mouth that wouldn't go away for hours, I was completely fine. I went to the nurse because I didn't see the non-toxic thing on the back, and we called up the people, and they said it would be fine.
I'm don't agree or disagree with Mi.ezekateze because I'm not well informed on the toxicity of glowsticks, but I do suggest you look into the science and things BEFORE serving this to any more people.
What I REALLY want to know it... wouldn't that taste HORRIBLE?! I literally drank around half of a glowstick... and EW! holy jesus that taste would NOT go away untill I ate a bag and a half of ritz! YUCK!
BUT, I do commend you on an awesome idea, because it does seem like a really cool idea!
Glow sticks contain hydrogen peroxide, and phenol is produced as a by-product. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the mixture away from skin, and to prevent accidental ingestion, if the glow stick case splits or breaks. If spilled on skin, the chemicals could cause slight skin irritation or, in extreme circumstances, cause vomiting and nausea. However, many ravers will cut or break open a glow stick and apply the glowing solution directly to bare skin in order to make their bodies glow. It is also a widespread myth that glow stick chemicals cause cancer.[8] This is simply a myth and no research has suggested that it might. Also it is wise to avoid all contact with thin membranes such as the eye or nasal area. Despite reports to the contrary, it is not safe to smoke or ingest glowing phenol, and it will not produce any drug-like effects. The fluid contained in glow sticks can also dissolve some types of plastic.
Wash with soap and water if liquid comes in contact with the skin. Flush eyes immediately with cool water if liquid comes in contact with the eyes. Some of the chemicals in glow sticks are flammable.
- Wikipedia
This kind of scares me. o_O
It would be way cool if it didn't kill you though! (:
Well, that's really great if you want to...
poison your guests... Glow stick liquids are heavily unhealthy and there ARE NO NON-TOXIC ones! ( Ahm, just think of the fact that the effect was found in the China Lake Naval Weapons Center... Hello? ) Maybe some dumbheads want to make money by putting a "non-toxic" on the package, but that's bullshit!
I'm sorry, but one has to be -really- stupid to drink something which is actually glowing because glowing is -always- caused by a chemical reaction. E.g. the mixture may contain hydrogen peroxide and carbolic acid, which are clearly no part of your daily nourishment.
Seriously, I just can't stop shaking my head here...
A thought occurs, though. Instead of putting your glow stick in the drink, which, judging from the comments, seems to put people off quite a lot, why not fill a jar with some kind of soda water, stick it in that, and use it as decoration? Nifty glowing things without drinking chemicals. Everyone wins.
Well fist of all. STOP being mean. And Dolly. That was uncalled for. At least TRY to be nice.
Here is an idea I have. I am surprised that no one else has thought of this... But this is what I would do. Take a glow bracelet and wrap it around the cup. Ta-da. A drink that glows with out PUTTINg it IN the drink. The end.
NOW the case is CLOSED.
As far as questioning your intelligence, it is actually quite a reasonable thing to do. Check your grammar and typos, lady. "If you still refuse to believe me, at least I didn't try." Does that make any sense? And you have a habit of placing commas in unnecessary locations. Just a few tips. You seem so fond of giving them, I thought you might like to receive some for a change.
Like I said before, it is ultimately your decision to continue drinking it as I cannot stop you, however I just want you to know the extent of harm you are placing on your body by consuming even a small amount of this poison. I once again stress that you really should read the first link I posted because maybe then the information that I'm relying to you might actually sink in.
I only am saying this because I feel that it is my duty to at least inform people when they are making very bad decision, that can ultimately harm their life. Take it in whichever way you want it to, and if you still refuse to believe me then at least I didn't try.
2) Again, glow sticks contain phenol, which is definitely not safe. It was also used by the Nazis in concentration camps to KILL people. Look, we're not trying to be mean, but we're trying to get you to realize (and other people who are considering ingesting glow stick material) that it is not safe. However, the decision is ultimately yours. Just like how people continue to smoke, or even start smoking, despite proof that it is bad for you. With that, I leave you with 2 legit sites (no Wikipedia here) that I suggest you read.
i congrat the originality and the great idea, but even is non-toxic it doesn't mean you can eat it, plasticine is not toxic but you shouldn't eat it.
maybe there is glow in the dark "drinkable" ingredients somewhere, and i would looove to have a glowing drink with you guys
"Never intentionally consume the liquid inside the glow stick, it can potentially cause health risks."
That's the actual problem. Because maaaybe the original contents are non-toxic, but what matters is that there are fallout products during the reaction, and -these- are the evil ones. You wouldn't find the carbolic acid in one of the liquids, its a product of the reaction.
However, I just wouldn't drink that...
However, I do agree with Fondasaurus Rex and My-Linh T., if you don't like the idea of consuming these NON-TOXIC chemicals.
AND our clothes smelled HORRIBLE, but it comes out with just one wash
SO, I think as long as you don't do BODY SHOTS with these, I think it will be fine
I'm don't agree or disagree with Mi.ezekateze because I'm not well informed on the toxicity of glowsticks, but I do suggest you look into the science and things BEFORE serving this to any more people.
What I REALLY want to know it... wouldn't that taste HORRIBLE?! I literally drank around half of a glowstick... and EW! holy jesus that taste would NOT go away untill I ate a bag and a half of ritz! YUCK!
BUT, I do commend you on an awesome idea, because it does seem like a really cool idea!
Wash with soap and water if liquid comes in contact with the skin. Flush eyes immediately with cool water if liquid comes in contact with the eyes. Some of the chemicals in glow sticks are flammable.
- Wikipedia
This kind of scares me. o_O
It would be way cool if it didn't kill you though! (:
poison your guests... Glow stick liquids are heavily unhealthy and there ARE NO NON-TOXIC ones! ( Ahm, just think of the fact that the effect was found in the China Lake Naval Weapons Center... Hello? ) Maybe some dumbheads want to make money by putting a "non-toxic" on the package, but that's bullshit!
I'm sorry, but one has to be -really- stupid to drink something which is actually glowing because glowing is -always- caused by a chemical reaction. E.g. the mixture may contain hydrogen peroxide and carbolic acid, which are clearly no part of your daily nourishment.
Seriously, I just can't stop shaking my head here...