καтιɛ hasn't written anything about themselves yet.
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- commented on her comment i have a couple questions, ok so i'm trying this and i have varnish, so i like do a few coats and so the varnish isn't getting hard. and its been a day and i checked em and there not hard. they have like 4 coats of varnish, and so like i also wanna kno... to Gummy Bear Bracelet 26 Oct 05:15
καтιɛ hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2009

Princess Pam-attitude
Pocatello, Idaho, US
332 projects
Hey, just stopping by to say thanks for the Favs on a few of my projects! Thanks for the luv <3

10 projects
Thank you for faving my Whoopie pies, happy valentines day!

Omaha, Nebraska, US
207 projects
Thanks for favoring my Sweater Tee

Stockholm, Stockholm County, SE
12 projects
thanks for the Fave :3