Cool winter wonderland -shirt with glove pockets
It's still snowing in Switzerland like it'll never end, so I thought NOW it's time for THAT project! Once I saw that shirt (grey one on the picture) in the net and thought "Wow, that's really cool! But... why buy, DIY!"
So I tried....
although mine is not so colorful than the one on the picture, I'm really proud that I made it, because I'm really untalented with handling the sewing machine ;)
Andrea K. entered her project Glove Shirt to Mr. Micknit 30 Oct 16:32
Roughwaters44 favorited Glove Shirt 06 Jul 08:47
Maxine M. added Glove Shirt to To-make list 06 Apr 19:50
Heather V. added Glove Shirt to Badass Stuff 11 Nov 04:55
Mennen G. favorited Glove Shirt 31 Aug 23:25
cara b. favorited Glove Shirt 01 Aug 20:46
Melissa G. added Glove Shirt to clothing 22 Jun 05:12
da k. added Glove Shirt to clothes 02 May 03:29
Melissa G. favorited Glove Shirt 01 Apr 03:20
J. Pario favorited Glove Shirt 31 Mar 18:46
You Will Need

Ravens Trove
Wenatchee, Washington, US
35 projects
Just CUTE!

Andrea K.
Erlen, Thurgau, CH
9 projects