Goth and glamorous! Make these sparkly stands to display your wigs and hats.
I love to dress up, and over the years my costume collection has grown to include quite a few fun wigs and hats. In search of an interesting way to display my headwear that suited my personal style, I gathered a few decorative items I had lying around, plus a few craft supply staples to create these wig stands. They’re certainly more interesting than the standard styrofoam heads you’ll find at the beauty supply shop, and they’re super easy to make!
A note on the materials: Large glitter skulls can be found in many craft, seasonal, and big box stores around Halloween time. I found mine at Five Below, but I’ve also seen them at Target and JoAnn Fabrics. You may also be able to find them online year round. The glass votives I used were empty Catholic prayer candles. These can be found in the Latin foods section in most grocery stores.
mmotse03 favorited Glitter Skull Wig Stand 28 Jun 21:55
Tierra T. favorited Glitter Skull Wig Stand 16 Nov 19:25
Emma H. favorited Glitter Skull Wig Stand 31 Oct 22:37
Spookachtige favorited Glitter Skull Wig Stand 09 Apr 20:16
Spookachtige commented on Glitter Skull Wig Stand 09 Apr 20:16
Spookachtige commented on Glitter Skull Wig Stand 09 Apr 20:16
Veronica B. favorited Glitter Skull Wig Stand 23 Feb 06:42
Linkin Logs added Glitter Skull Wig Stand to Cosplay 14 Jan 08:04
MandyCip_93 favorited Glitter Skull Wig Stand 22 Nov 12:18
LunacyGloom favorited Glitter Skull Wig Stand 20 Oct 04:25
The Dollar Tree also sells skulls like this, but they go out FAST.