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Wedding Dreams

22 stitches and 30 rows over 10cm stocking stitch.

Posted by Anova Published See Anova's 60 projects »

© 2024 Debbie Harrold / Pavilion · Reproduced with permission.
  • Step 1

    Gingerbread male

    Body and head (make 2)
    Left leg piece
    Using 3.75mm needles and copper yarn, cast on 4 sts.
    Row 1 (WS): Purl.
    Row 2: Inc 1, knit to last 2 sts, inc 1, k1. (6 sts)
    Row 3: Purl.
    Row 4: Inc 1, k2, k2tog, k1. (6 sts)
    Row 5: Purl.
    Repeat last 2 rows 5 times more.
    Break off yarn and transfer stitches onto a stitch holder.

  • Step 2

    Right leg piece
    Using 3.75mm needles and copper yarn, cast on 4 sts.
    Row 1 (WS): Purl.
    Row 2: Inc 1, knit to last 2 sts, inc 1, k1. (6 sts)
    Row 3: Purl.
    Row 4: K1, K2togtbl, k1, inc 1, k1. (6 sts)
    Row 5: Purl.
    Repeat last 2 rows 5 times more.

  • Step 3

    Join the legs by working across the stitches of both legs.
    With right sides facing and the needle tip to the right, transfer the stitches from the stitch holder on to a spare needle, then slip the Right leg onto the same needle.
    Row 16: K5, k2tog (last st from Right leg and first st of Left leg), cont to work across the Left leg stitches, k5. (11 sts)
    **Work 9 rows in stocking stitch, ending with a purl row.

  • Step 4

    Row 26: Cast on 8 sts, knit to end. (19 sts)
    Row 27: Cast on 8 sts, purl to end. (27 sts)
    Work 2 rows in stocking stitch.
    Row 30: Cast on 8 sts, knit to end. (19 sts)
    Row 31: Cast on 8 sts, purl to end. (11 sts)
    Row 32: K1, k2togtbl, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (9 sts)
    Row 33: P1, P2tog, purl to last 3 sts, p2togtbl, p1. (7 sts)
    Row 34: Knit.

  • Step 5

    Row 35: Inc 1, purl to last 2 sts, inc 1, k1. (9 sts)
    Row 36: Inc 1, knit to last 2 sts, inc 1, k1. (11 sts)
    Work 3 rows in stocking stitch.
    Row 39: K1, k2tog, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (9 sts)
    Row 40: Purl.
    Repeat last 2 rows 3 times more. (3 sts)
    Cast off.

  • Step 6

    Making up
    For the body and head, partially sew the two pieces together using mattress stitch or backstitch, insert stuffing and complete the seam.
    Using picture as guide, embroider the mouth using chain stitch, the eyes and buttons using satin stitch.
    Using sewing thread, stitch a small rose to the chest.

  • Step 7

    Using the thin black card.
    For the brim: Draw a circle and cut out a circle 6.5cm in diameter.
    For the crown: Cut a strip 3.5cm x 16cm, curl into a cylinder and glue the short edge with a 5mm overlap. Draw a circle 5.5cm in diameter with an inner circle with the same centre point with a diameter of 5cm. Cut out the outer circle and snip the edge of the disc up to the line marking the inner circle. Crease the snip edge along the line of the inner circle. Paste glue over the snipped margin and place the disc just inside one edge of the cylinder, so that the disc aligns with the edge of the cylinder. Draw a second circle 5.5cm in diameter and repeat with the other end of the cylinder.Paste glue on the disc at one end of the cylinder and glue to the brim.Glue the hat to the head.

  • Step 8

    Gingerbread female

    Body and head (make 2)
    Using 3.75mm needles and copper yarn, cast on 35 sts.
    Row 1 (WS): Purl.
    Row 2: K4, [sl1, k2tog, psso, k3] 5 times, k1. (25 sts)
    Row 3: Purl.
    Row 4: K3, [sl1, k2tog, psso, k1] 5 times, k2. (15 sts)
    Work 3 rows in stocking stitch.
    Row 8: K1, k2togtbl, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (13 sts)
    Row 9: Purl.
    Row 10: K1, k2togtbl, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (11 sts)
    Continue from ** on Gingerbread Male Body and Head.

  • Step 9

    Using 3.75mm needles and white yarn, cast on 35 sts.
    Work 40 rows in garter stitch.
    Row 41: K4, [sl1, k2tog, psso, k3] 5 times, k1. (25 sts)
    Row 42: Purl.
    Row 43: K3, [sl1, k2tog, psso, k1] 5 times, k2. (15 sts)
    Row 44: Purl.
    Row 45: K2, [sl1, k2tog, psso] 4 times, k1. (11 sts)
    Row 44: Purl.
    Break off yarn and thread through stitches on needle.
    Draw tight and secure the end.
    Fold the cast-off edge corner to corner and sew the top edge together.

  • Step 10

    Making up

    For the body and head, partially sew the two pieces together using mattress stitch or backstitch, insert stuffing and complete the seam.
    Using picture as guide and glue attach eyes to the head section.
    Using picture as guide, embroider the mouth using chain stitch, the eyes and buttons using satin stitch.
    Using sewing thread, attach the veil to the head and embellish with a small fabric rose.
    Make a bouquet of large fabric roses, using sewing thread, position the arms and secure the bouquet and arms in position with small stitches.

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Kammy · U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US · 9 projects
this is so precious. love all the detail!

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