Giant Pom Poms
Extract from DIY Fashion Shoot Book • By We are Photogirls • Published by Laurence KingAbout
DIY Fashion Shoot Book
Brighten the universe and fill every inch of it with giant, colourful pom-poms. Cut, concertina and fan your way through sheets and sheets of tissue paper and never be stuck for a set or a prop again...
Key West Witch favorited Giant Pom Poms 07 Aug 23:29
Keri T. added Giant Pom Poms to bit n pieces 06 Feb 23:08
Emma favorited Giant Pom Poms 25 Nov 02:16
Miss_Fit favorited Giant Pom Poms 05 Aug 22:08
mahi.khan.9883739 favorited Giant Pom Poms 04 May 14:11
Alissa B. favorited Giant Pom Poms 09 Apr 20:55
Heather H. favorited Giant Pom Poms 08 Apr 21:46
Pam ^_^ favorited Giant Pom Poms 08 Apr 01:27
AbsintheFairy favorited Giant Pom Poms 07 Apr 21:34
Laurence King published his project Giant Pom Poms 25 Mar 13:18
Step 1
Stack the sheets of tissue paper on top of each other.
Step 2
Carefully concertina the stack of tissue paper.
Step 3
Take the rubber band and tie it around the middle.
Step 4
Cut both ends of the tissue paper into semi circles.
Step 7
Keep going until you have done roughly half the number of sheets you started with. At this point you will see you have half a pom-pom shape.
Step 9
If you want to hang your pom-pom from the ceiling, cut a long length of fishing wire and tie it around the middle where the rubber band is. Ignore this last step if you are scattering your pom-poms.