May the road rise to meet you ...
My grandmother’s family were from Ireland, and although I’ve never visited myself I always think of her on St Patrick’s Day in March. She was also an
amazingly talented seamstress and embroiderer so this year I’m remembering her talents with this little hoop embroidery celebrating the old Gaelic blessing …..
- 113481_2F2016-02-22-174913-GaelicBlessingHoop2.pdf 2.27 MB [ Download ]
PineconePrincess favorited Gaelic Blessing Hoop 30 Sep 00:51
Step 2
The large flowers are worked in radiating straight stitch. I find it
easiest to imagine a clock and place my first stitches at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o’clock then go around and fill in between them - this helps me make sure that they are even. The centres of the large flowers are
French knots. The text is worked in back stitch. You will find full details of floss colours and stitches in the pattern download.