Transform a classic pumpkin into a one-eye wonder!
I was inspired by this <a href="http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=53867.0">wreath</a> made by fellow Craftster member callakat. I made this for <a href="http://swelldesigner.blogspot.com/2008/09/join-me-for-terrorific-tuesdays.html">Terrorific Tuesdays</a>, hosted by <a href="http://swelldesigner.blogspot.com">Alexa Westerfield</a>.
WerewolfCas favorited Fuzzy Monster Bucket 27 Aug 07:44
Step 1
Cut a full sheet of newspaper in half along the fold. Tape the two pieces together to get one long piece. Wrap the newspaper around the bucket and tape it together, cutting off the excess. Be sure to make some "pleats" in the newspaper or cut slits to accomadate for the round shape of the bucket.
This doesn't have to be perfect, it's only going to be a rough estimate to find out how much fun fur to use.
Step 2
Cut the newspaper off the pumpkin, and lay flat on the fun fur. I learned how to cut fun fur, with a minimum of "shedding". Use only the tips of the scissors to cut the backing of the fun fur.
You can watch the <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-kv_MF2HEM">video</a> with <a href="http://margotpottertheimpatientcrafter.blogspot.com/">Margot Potter</a> and <a href="http://jennyharada.com/index.shtml">Jenny Harada</a> for that tip!
Step 3
I started gluing the fun fur around the "equator" of the pumpkin. Then I started to glue towards the bottom and top of the pumpkin. I cut slits in the fur for the roundness. Glue all the fur down, THEN trim off the excess.
Cut about 1/3 off the ping pong ball, and attach it to the fur. Cut some teeth our of the felt, and glue it on.