Cute bookmarks to fit your personality! =]
I got bored one night - just as my new craft ideas normally come - and I thought about how expensive bookmarks are in Waldenbooks and places like that. So.. I decided to buy some new cardstock and make my own!
Fuzzy bunny commented on Funky Bookmarks 04 Apr 03:09
autumn rae entered their project Funky Bookmarks to Fiskars Craft Contest 17 Jun 04:28
autumn rae entered their project Funky Bookmarks to Glue Contest 20 Apr 03:23
You Will Need
autumn rae posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Call me Buddy
15 projects
Theta are actually really pretty and nice

Espel, Flevoland, NL
166 projects
Very beautiful!

The Malz!
Erlanger, Kentucky, US
2 projects
very pretty! the colors are great, they look professionally made. =]

Canada, CA
6 projects
Ooooh! They are so pretty! Love them.

michelle G.
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA
1258 projects
its cool