Cut Out + Keep

Funky Bookmarks

Cute bookmarks to fit your personality! =] • Posted by autumn rae

I got bored one night - just as my new craft ideas normally come - and I thought about how expensive bookmarks are in Waldenbooks and places like that. So.. I decided to buy some new cardstock and make my own!

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium bookmark1 1240037417 Medium bookmark5 1240038050 Medium bookmark6 1240038098 Medium bookmark4 1240038190 Medium bookmark2 1240038228


I got bored one night - just as my new craft ideas normally come - and I thought about how expensive bookmarks are in Waldenbooks and places like that. So.. I decided to buy some new cardstock and make my own!
