cool way to stay warm
1) Find a knit sweater with LARGE sleeves. I found an XL sweater at a local thrift shop for cheap :)
**the top of the arm, where it meets the shoulder, needs to be able to fit around your head**
2) cut one sleeve off at shoulder seam, turn inside out and hand sew the other end to desired length. Try it on, this is a good time to adjust fit.
3) I used the hem at the bottom of the sweater to create a finished look for my hat ...I think a zig-zag stitch works best for this, but since my machine can't do that a straight stitch also works :P
4) ta-da! all done :)
Key West Witch added From Sweater To Hat :) to Top Hats, Witch Hats, Hats & Fascinater’s 30 Jun 14:31
Karen D. favorited From Sweater To Hat :) 31 Aug 04:23
You Will Need
live2create posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Very nice with the long top of the hat!
CO + K User