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Crochet Therapy
Ask each friend to create one large flower in their favourite colours. Work together 
to make lots of small flowers to link your individual creative selves 
in a timeless quilt that can be added to at any time.

Tension is not important in this project.
Approximately 51 cm (20 in) square.*

* The quilt can be added to at any time, and can be made to any desired size.

Posted by Aurum Press Published See Aurum Press's 78 projects » © 2025 Betsan Corkhill / Quarto · Reproduced with permission.
  • Step 1

    To make a Large Flower
    Using MC, 4ch, sl st into first ch to form a ring.
    Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st into first dc to join. (12 sts)
    Round 2: 3ch (counts as first tr), 1tr into base of beg 3ch, 2tr into each st to end of round, sl st into top of beg 3ch to join. (24 sts)
    Fasten off MC. Join in CC of choice.
    Round 3: *3ch, [yrh, insert hook into same st, yrh, pull up a loop as tall as the 3ch] 3 times, into next st [yrh, insert hook, yrh, pull up a loop as tall as the 3ch] 3 times, yrh and draw through all 13 loops on hook, 2ch, sl st into next st; rep from * 11 times more. (12 puff-petals)
    Fasten off and weave in loose ends.

  • Step 2

    To make a Small Flower
    Using MC, 4ch, sl st into first ch to form a ring.
    Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st into first dc to join. (12 sts)
    Fasten off MC. Join in CC of choice.
    Round 2: *3ch, [yrh, insert hook into same st, yrh, pull up a loop as tall as the 3ch] 3 times, into next st [yrh, insert hook, yrh, pull up a loop as tall as the 3ch] 3 times, yrh and draw through all 13 loops on hook, 2ch, sl st into next st; rep from * 5 times more. (6 puff-petals)
    Fasten off and weave in loose ends.

  • Step 3

    To assemble the quilt
    Lay flowers face down and position them so that they fit together nicely. Using one of the CC colours from the flowers you are joining, loop a short length of yarn around the 2ch or 3ch of each adjacent petal and tie them together with a knot. Trim the ends to approximately 12 mm (½ in). Repeat this around every petal.

  • Step 4

    Feel-good tip
    Why not create this with your crochet friends? Get together to make the individual flowers then knot them together as a symbol of your friendship.

  • Step 5

    Motivation exercise

1 Join your group and notice others as they arrive and settle into the gathering community. You will soon become a cohesive circle creating, laughing and sharing together.
2 If you are new to the group, use the quiet rhythm of your movements to calm any anxious emotions. They are normal. They will pass.
3 Notice the uniqueness of each member. Celebrate the differences between you and revel in the opportunity to spend your time with such a diverse, culturally rich group of people. 

4 Make an effort to learn from and share with each person in the group. It’s a new opportunity every time you meet.

    5 Feel a deep sense of belonging and support, sharing with, and learning from, each other. These new experiences will extend your knowledge and perception of the world.

    6 As you all relax, an easy chatter and laughter emerges. It is the hallmark of your group. Others in the vicinity look on with a wistful desire to join in too. Invite them in.

    7 When quiet, creative moments occur, enjoy the feeling of silent connection. Learn to ‘just be’ in the company of others.

    8 You have the choice to make eye contact or not. When you feel the need, simply sit and crochet quietly, safe in the knowledge that everyone there understands. Know deep in your heart you belong.

    9 As you part company, begin to look forward to the next time you will meet.

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