thread friendship bracelets
Kudos to my brother on this one. He actually taught me so now I'm teaching you!
1) Take 4 strands of thread, tie them together at one end, and tape that end down.
2) Align them in your desired pattern and then pick up the first strand on the left.
3) Using the first, make a 4 shape with the second (first should make a triangle over second.)
4) Bring the tail of the first strand under and up into the actual triangle space.
5) Take both strands and tighten. Do this twice on every strand, starting over when you reach the last strand.
- Aurora replied to a comment on her project Friendship Bracelets 05 Oct 02:50
- rosa r. favorited Friendship Bracelets 14 Apr 12:03
You Will Need
Aurora posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Please help! Can you wear these in the shower? how long do they usually stay on for?
2 projects
I think you can wear them in the shower. I don't wear mine 24/7, so I'm not sure how long they stay on. Probably a couple years if you're lucky! Sorry it took me three years to respond!!
2 projects
Thanks Charlotte!!
Charlotte H.
Toronto, Ontario, CA
5 projects
LOVE MAKING THESE!!! Yours are awesome! ;p