Tutorial: Land of Nod inspired Floor Cushion
After browsing page after page of Land~of~Nod and Pottery Barn Kids for years, I've decided to take the bull by the horns and make my own stuff!
- Becky favorited Floor Cushion 20 May 10:50
- RareJewel favorited Floor Cushion 04 Jun 07:51
- C.J. M. added Floor Cushion to DIY The Room 23 Apr 18:06
- LeAnn M. favorited Floor Cushion 12 Jan 23:45
- charlie d. favorited Floor Cushion 29 Mar 02:48
- Arienrhod1 favorited Floor Cushion 29 Dec 14:45
- Steph. commented on Floor Cushion 10 Sep 07:41
- Jac D. favorited Floor Cushion 01 Jun 01:18
- Kay G. favorited Floor Cushion 30 Mar 20:04
- Millie H. added Floor Cushion to cool ideas 26 Mar 00:17
Step 1
I started first by drawing my own 17" diameter circle. I had searched the Internet for a template to just print out, but couldn't find. Thankfully, for some unknown reason, I had a thingamajig compass in my craft storage. So, I reverted back to 5th grade and figured out how to make a nice round 17" circle! It was super easy...you can too!
Step 7
Place the other handle piece on top and using your previous stitching as a guide (this is where the contrasting thread comes in handy), stitch the two pieces together on the sides only, leaving about 1/4" from the sides free so it is easy to fold under once you turn right side out.