Adorable felted monkey!
I recently bought a kit for felting beginners and have really fallen in love with this craft. I had a bunch of extra left over from the kit so I made this monkey.
- Valerie G. added Felted Monkey to Cute 08 Mar 00:28
Step 1
FELT A BALL FOR THE HEAD. Tear off enough wool to make a good sized ball, keeping in mind that the finished ball will be smaller than the amount you tore off. Place the wool on the styrofoam and using the felting needle, stab it repeatedly. It will become flat, so you will have to keep folding it over on itself and turning it around to make a ball shape. It doesn't have to be perfect because you can adjust it with your fingers. Keep adding wool if you want it to be bigger and stop when it is hard to pull wool off. Then you will know it is dense enough.
Step 3
ATTACH THE HEAD TO THE BODY. Place the smaller ball roughly in the center of the bigger one and attach it to the bigger one. The best way I find is to gently poke around the perimeter several times and then poke around the ball to make a firmer attachment. Be careful not to poke your fingers! You can readjust the shapes of the balls with your fingers.
Step 9
MONKEY-FY THE FACE. After the base shape is created, make it look more like a monkey's face. First, about the center of the top, pull only the contrasting wool down into a "V" to create two equal hill. Poke on either side of the V to secure. Then, starting around the middle of the sides, pull in the make a "V". Round the top "hill". Repeat on the other side. It should end up looking like the picture.
Step 10
CREATE THE PROTRUDING MONKEY MAW. Grab a tuft of wool and roll it between your hands to make a thick sausage. Place it on the face. It should be about the size of the lower half of the face. Starting at the bottom. Poke it into the base you already created and up around the sides. The top should stop in the middle of the face. Secure by poking around the middle. Add more if you want it to protrude more.
Step 14
TWO DIFFERENT EARY TYPES. If you want ears like the dark brown monkey, add contrasting circles of wool like you did with the stomach area. If you want it more like the camel brown monkey, pinch the ear in half and felt along the bottom area to make it curved.
Step 19
CLEAN UP ANY UNDEFINED AREAS. You can sharpen features by running the needle along small sections and pushing in. This will catch stray fibers and make your lines sharper. YOu can also adjust any uneven features like the eyes for the two hills by pulling out or pushing in wool and tucking in.