A cute felt monster is sewn to a notecard.
I love monsters and have been making stuffed monsters, monster backpacks, earrings, puppets, onesies and T-shirts.
- Katrina P. favorited Felt Monster Valentine 19 May 11:21
- Tracey J. favorited Felt Monster Valentine 17 Oct 19:30
- Hannah F. favorited Felt Monster Valentine 21 Aug 14:26
- Miss_Fit added Felt Monster Valentine to Greeting Cards 10 May 17:24
- elarablair favorited Felt Monster Valentine 23 Feb 19:13
- Sandra C. favorited Felt Monster Valentine 05 Aug 12:09
- Terri M. favorited Felt Monster Valentine 27 Jun 04:35
San Jose, California, US
Where did you beth these adorable monster patterns from? I am making a monster blanket with some hand appliqué embellishments. I have searched ALL over for simple but sweet monsters. Help please!
Lesley W.
2 projects
Super cute and creative idea!
11 projects
i loved this project!!! i made my own card but i didn't sew it, i made another monster but i pasted it on a bag:3
Jaén, Andalusia, ES
Very cute and original :O
Tamara T.
4 projects
Sure, it does dull your needle, but so does a lot of sewing on fabric. Use one of your older needles and replace them regularly for your good sewing projects.
naruto uzumaki
5 projects
my mom told me when you sew on paper it duls your needle