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Based on Faux Tattoo Necklace by Aurore
I've been waiting to do something with the shrinky dink plastic sheets I bought a few months ago - when I saw this necklace I just had to try it! I had the tattoo design saved in a folder on my computer already - so I don't know who to credit for it :( But I added the word "monster" by printing out a tattoo style font alphabet, and then traced over the letters individually.

I did make one mistake, though - I forgot to make the word backwards, so mine will be rough side out. :P I guess it won't make that much of a different, I just need to put more sealer on it to make it glossy. So if you use words, be careful to make sure they'll be facing the right direction when you're finished!

Posted by ErsatzEpiphany from Seattle, Washington, United States • Published See ErsatzEpiphany's 103 projects »

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allie a.
allie a. · Los Angeles, California, US · 15 projects
I love using shrink plastic. .. A little tip, If you do want it glossy, A little embossing powder works.. Sprinkle it on top of the plastic and put it in the over just enough to melt it.

It hardens and looks the same as the opposite side of the shrink plastic.
Aurore · Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, FR · 17 projects
Yeah ! Nice necklace ! ^^

About your mistake, i think it's not a mistake, i prefer the matte side of the shrink plastic, precisely because it doesn't shine and it look like skin, enhancing the illusion ! ;)

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