I'm a city girl out of Los Angeles, I am inspired by anything and everything. I've always held adoration for my Native Heritage. I strive for a DIY lifestyle, and try to make everything with my own personal touch. I have dabbled in Knitting and have grown a love for embellishments.
Fashion is something I try to make my own. Sometimes it's a hit, othertimes it's a miss. But with Confidence you can wear anything.
Fashion is something I try to make my own. Sometimes it's a hit, othertimes it's a miss. But with Confidence you can wear anything.
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Etsy LastFMRecent Activity
- favorited Bracelet Holder 27 Nov 20:18
- favorited Peter Pan Collar 21 Sep 19:15
- followed Mikaelaa E. :) 01 Jan 22:43
- commented on her comment Spam! Here on cut out and keep. How disappointing. to Mikaelaa E. :) 22 Nov 20:59
- commented on her comment Spam! Here on cut out and keep. How disappointing. to Mikaelaa E. :) 22 Nov 20:59
- commented on her comment Spam! Here on cut out and keep. How disappointing. to Mikaelaa E. :) 22 Nov 20:59
- commented on her comment Spam! Here on cut out and keep. How disappointing. to Mikaelaa E. :) 22 Nov 20:59
- commented on her comment Spam! Here on cut out and keep. How disappointing. to Mikaelaa E. :) 22 Nov 20:58
- commented on her comment im totally making that to Outdoor Chandelier 15 Nov 18:53
- commented on her comment How-To Please! to Jewelry Trophy 07 Nov 22:09
- commented on her comment im making one right now! to Chandelier 08 Aug 18:28
- followed Erika Domesek 05 Aug 19:38
need to post some more & get ready for christmas!