Use an old T-shirt to make this festival favorite
Floral Crowns are a festival favorite. I have a habit of cutting up old T-shirts and keeping the scraps with my fabric supply. For this project, I simply used some old supplies.
Key West Witch favorited Fabric Floral Crown 05 May 20:30
You Will Need
Step 1
1. I wrapped a wire with hemp, using a hot glue gut to secure it. It was a little time consuming but, going slowly yielded the best results.
2. I folded a square of fabric in half then, in half again. Cutting from the corner, I made the little petal shape that you see above. Unfolded, it looks like a flower.
3. After I made a little pile of petals, I layered three at a time to make the flower. I used buttons and beads for the center, running the stitch through the middle.
4. I cut a few leaf-shaped pieces to add fullness and stitched them all onto the hemp crown.
5. Since the base is wire, it's easy to reshape to the wearer's head.