Sweater Surgery Eggs-Of course, of course
I know you were waiting for them, wondering when they would appear?
Ta-da! Eggs in Sweaters.
- Chachee.rayna added Eggs In Sweaters to Sew, Sew! 04 Apr 21:28
- Chris K. favorited Eggs In Sweaters 04 Apr 19:10
- Betsy J. favorited Eggs In Sweaters 04 Apr 17:46
Step 1
Totally easy-over, no really easy-peasy. Just cut a rectangle of sweater, I used a striped rib that was pretty thin weight and it's pulled fairly taught around the widest part of the egg. This reduced the bulk at each end.
Then I did a running stitch around one end to gather it.
I then stitched up the side.
Finally I sewed the other end with a running stitch to gather it and knotted to secure.
love it, like the stripes thanks a lor for sharing and the how to.;-D