Make Your Art, And Hang It Too!
Ever look at endless Hoop Art on Pinterest, and wish you could find the time?
Here's an pain-free way to get your fix: FABRIC PAINT!
No skills in Embroidery? No problem! You can still make a classy piece of Hoop Art.
Love to embroider but don't want to spend hours creating outline stitches? Use this technique to speed up the process, and fill in spaces with your desired colors and stitches.
Chudames entered her project Easy Hoop Art to Ladies Of Letterpress 16 Jun 19:56
MischievousRaven added Easy Hoop Art to bedroom ideas 18 May 07:59
Libby W. added Easy Hoop Art to 2 broke girls 18 Apr 06:18
Anne M. added Easy Hoop Art to iron on transfers 09 Feb 08:24
Chudames entered her project Easy Hoop Art to Printic Contest 06 Feb 00:17
Amanda M. favorited Easy Hoop Art 02 Feb 21:40
mmotse03 favorited Easy Hoop Art 04 Nov 16:53
heather r. added Easy Hoop Art to cross stitch 16 Oct 19:25
Penny F. added Easy Hoop Art to decorating ideas 11 Oct 12:03
Caitlin C. favorited Easy Hoop Art 21 Sep 06:05
Step 2
Step #1 - Preparing:
+ Iron your fabric on the wrong side to rid it of wrinkles.
+ If you plan to embroider, or would like to make a flimsy fabric stiff, cut Fusible Interfacing to size, and iron on to the Wrong Side of your fabric to stabilize it.
+ On the Right Side of your fabric, Place your iron-on pattern face down and iron until the design transfers. You may want to pin it down so you do not risk overlapping lines.
The iron-on transfer I used was "Stitcher's Revolution: SR20 Sweet Treats."
- OR - If you have your own design, draw/trace it directly onto the fabric.
Step 5
Once your design is completed, readjust it in the hoop making sure your sides are facing the correct direction (some plastic hoops have markings that you will not want showing, such as the hoop size).
Make sure your fabric is taunt, with no wrinkles or dips.Flip over and gently fold in your edges. You may trim some excess flaps off if desired, but do not completely remove all of the fabric. You will need enough to fold in to cover the back of your inner hoop frame, and keep the front taunt.
Step 6
Gently lift your back fabric in sections, and add glue to the inner hoop frame underneath it, then press the fabric back into place. This will keep the fabric from unfolding. keep the front taunt, and keep glue-globs from showing through to the front design of your hoop.
If you embroidered, Trim another piece of fabric (or card stock) to fit inside of the back of your hoop. Glue it in to place along your folded-down excess hoop fabric. This will help hide the stitching.