Super easy, tasty fudge!
I made this as something to bring to the office Christmas partu and ended up making 3 batches as it was so delicious, I gave it out as gifts!
- Hayley S replied to a comment on her project Easy Chocolate Orange Fudge 28 Nov 11:57
- Greenie commented on Easy Chocolate Orange Fudge 27 Nov 22:53
- Greenie favorited Easy Chocolate Orange Fudge 27 Nov 20:50
- Janet W. favorited Easy Chocolate Orange Fudge 06 Nov 18:22
- notthatmj favorited Easy Chocolate Orange Fudge 04 Nov 15:01
- Julie S. favorited Easy Chocolate Orange Fudge 31 Oct 20:39
- dalekordancer favorited Easy Chocolate Orange Fudge 24 Jul 19:49
- char53lie added Easy Chocolate Orange Fudge to Food 17 Apr 13:45
- Joyce Z. favorited Easy Chocolate Orange Fudge 10 Dec 01:05
- bovdwal added Easy Chocolate Orange Fudge to eten 03 Aug 20:59
Step 3
Turn off the heat and add the tin of condensed milk- (Tip- leave a little condensed milk in the can- i've found adding every last drop makes the texture less firm)
Combine the chocolate and condensed milk, stirring quickly.
Note: Because the condensed milk is room temperature it will start the set the chocolate as you stir it it, so mix as quickly as possible. The pour the mixture carefully into the loaf tin.
Belfast, Northern Ireland, GB
I made this for my brother who is in hospital following a car accident. He can't stop eating it! Delicious and very easy to make. Thank you for the tutorial.
Hayley S
London, GB
79 projects
Greenie- i'm really happy to hear that, thanks for sharing! x
Nottingham, England, GB
that looks yummy
Hayley S
London, GB
79 projects
Thanks! It tastes just like a Terrys Chocolate Orange- but fudgy good!
Libby W.
Whitehaven, England, GB
86 projects
This looks delicious! I might make it for my friends birthday as she can't have wheat and I'm rubbish at making gluten-free cakes!
Hayley S
London, GB
79 projects
Let me know how it goes!
Ione, California, US
42 projects
Oooh Yummy!! I will have to try it!