Make a quick, easy, custom wine rack from 4" cardboard tube
I love this little project- quick, easy, practical. i put it together from things i had around the house, plus one 4" x 12ft carpet tube.
i tried to find 4" packing tubes, but no one had them in stock, so as a last ditch thought, i stopped by a carpet store- they had these amazingly sturdy tubes, 4" diameter- perfect for wine bottles, and were happy to let me take whatever i could carry. i think packing tubes would work just as well, but they aren't free!
Pimke added Easy & Affordable Wine Rack! to Upcycling 18 Mar 17:28
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kage j. entered her project Easy & Affordable Wine Rack! to Cricut Contest 22 Jan 15:43
Step 1
Cut your tube to length- make sure they are deep enough to hold a wine bottle, and not so deep the bottle gets lost (mine are 9.5"). i used a mitre saw because the carpet tubes are REALLY thick (for packing tubes, i think a utility knife would work better).
i wanted to leave the raw cardboard on the inside- i like the look, and thought it would wear better. i masked off the ends with masking tape by taping across, then cutting the extra away with an exacto blade.
Step 3
The spray paint raises lots of little cardboard 'hairs' at the edges, and all along the tube surface. Sand the surface and edges with fine (400 grit) sandpaper.
I painted a second coat to cover a few little tears at the edges, but depending on the look you want, might not need it.
Fine sanding between coats created a really smooth clean surface- much nicer than i expected from cardboard!
Step 4
I don't have a pic for the next step, but I basically used my hot glue gun to glue the tubes together. I liked the look better with the top row staggered, but you can also center them directly on top of each other.
I ran a line of glue across the bottom at the back to act as a stopper, so the bottles won't slide out the back.
Here it is, my finished wine rack- quick, easy and pretty slick looking, if i do say so myself!