This is for dying your skin for larp or other costuming stuff
I played a half troll prostitute in a LARP (live action roleplay). And I hated the way creme paints felt on my skin. I hated the way they stained clothes. I hated that no one could touch me. I also dye my hair a lot and one time when I was cleaning dye off my face I figured.. oh! Why not?! And since then I started to use hair dye to stain my skin green for larp. It only rubbed off on clothes if I sweated a lot, and it didn't rub off on other people.
You have to use Manic Panic hair dye! It is a vegan brand and thus non toxic to the skin. If you have sensitive skin do NOT do this.
Do not put around eyes, eyebrows, or private bits.
If while dying your skin starts to sting, you develop a rash, or get hives, wash off right away and consult a doctor
Before you start dying your skin for the event day you should do a test piece. I'd suggest your legs/back of your calves or someplace no one else will see if you get a rash. As with hair dying do this test 24 hours before hand.
Also if you are doing the vast majority of your body (as I did) you will need a towel to sit down
- Skin_Dying_Tutorial.png 1.89 MB [ Download ]
DarkAshHurts commented on Dying Your Skin 20 Mar 07:10
Step 1
Stuff you need!!
Manic Panic Hair Dye (your color will be a lighter shade) ($10)
Sponge brush or make up sponge
Place to wash off at
Stainable Clothes
Stainable Towels
Hair Dryer
A helpful and patient friend!!1: Shower before hand. Scrub yourself till your red. You want all the dead skin and oil off of you.
Step 5
After care!!
1: When you are ready to get rid of it just take a nice hot shower and scrub it off. You might still have some dyed spots around your elbows, knees and eyebrows (if you were brave enough to do them). However after a night's sleep and another shower you should be fine.
Always plan ahead and make sure you have at least 24 hours before you have to work or go to school. (Or don't care like I do! :D)
I usually ended up still having dyed armpits, knees, and elbows.
(The best friend who helped every time!)
I've used almost every color of manic panic (on hair), and only 1 actually stained my skin badly & I couldn't get it off for days (it's Rockabilly Blue). Some didn't even stain me at all (purples, yellows, & some reds), though I wasn't trying to stain myself. Lol All the others I think would stain your skin for a day, and like said in the tutorial can be easily washed off in 2 scrubbed shampoo washes.
If anyone else does it, most Manic Panic comes off easily with shampoo, especially dandruff shampoo which is harsher.. Not sure if that works on the skin though. Lol
About clogging up the pores.. well I think nearly everything that you put on your skin closes off your pores or is unnatural anyway. I never wear make-up (foundations, creams, whatever) and paint only for LARP.
Using hair dye might be safe, but not all skin is like the skin of your scalp so it might react differently. So I'd certainly test it first. Kudos for the warning in the introduction.
Another reason I wouldn't use hair dye is that I really want to get rid of all the color when I go back to 'normal life', so hair dye that sticks around wouldn't do for me. ;-)
For arms/legs I have used tights in the right color (red in my case, demon child) and for my face and neck I use water based paints. The creamy kind clogs up your skin more than the water kind and I find the latter to be much less annoying to wear.
I'm very lucky to have skin that 'likes' paint and it stays on really well. As long as I'm not touching it when it is wet. Powdering it with a fixing powder or spraying hairspray on it (eewwww) after the paint has dried also works well to keep it on all day. I sleep with it to and the next morning only need a few touch ups.
Dying your skin with hair dye sounds scary to me.. I'd never try it, but perhaps it is useful for some other brave soul.
But that is also why you have to use Manic Panic. LIke I said its vegan based and should not harm your skin. Its just like dying your hair though. You get hair dye on your scalp and it doesn't burn or break out (at least mine never did). So I found a method that worked for me.
What kind of paint did you use exactly? I heard acrylics are bad because they clog the pores and don't allow your skin to breathe.