Soda can logo pendents (PEACE TEA AND MONSTER)
I cut out the PEACE and monster logos out of cans. I will post pictures of the final product when i am done
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Drink Can Pendents 23 Jul 12:01
Katelyn R. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

St Joseph, Louisiana, US
2 projects
coolio, thankss

Katelyn R.
Canton, Georgia, US
1 project
i just used regular craft scissors and a regular hole punch ^_^

St Joseph, Louisiana, US
2 projects
what do you use to cut them out with?

St Joseph, Louisiana, US
2 projects
what do you use to cut them out with?

Katelyn R.
Canton, Georgia, US
1 project
Thanks! Its called Peace Tea it is really good

Tessel D.
The Hague, South Holland, NL
1 project
Where is the peace logo from? So cool!