Learn how to make the popular word art posters
I decided to create a cost effective version of the word art that is commonly found at a lot of home decor stores. The nice thing about this is you can make it completely personal and to your specific aesthetic.
- 102530_2F2014-06-11-223933-quote1.jpg 83.5 KB [ Download ]
- 102530_2F2014-06-11-223939-quote2.jpg 69.3 KB [ Download ]
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Step 1
Start by placing your stencil on the window, with the back of the paper facing you. Take your pencil and trace around the letters. If you can get a hold of a pencil with a softer led this will make the transfer a lot easier. I personally used a 3B pencil.
I painted by wood but this is optional. I did this only to seal it so my letters didn't run.
Once you have traced your letters, put the stencil onto the piece of wood, with the pencil tracing side down. Then take your pencil and scribble over the entire word mark. You don't need a lot of force to do this. Once the paper is removed you are left with a guide.